Package | Description |
org.swtpra1 |
Namespace for all java classes for the group "swtpra1" of the "Softwaretechnikpraktikum WS20/21" at the Universität
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer |
Contains different modifications of search trees all based on negamax with alpha beta pruning.
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.alphabeta |
Houses an implementation of negamax tree search with alpha beta pruning optimization.
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.hippolyta |
Classes to help run the Hippolyta evaluation function in our infrastructure.
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.hippolyta.model |
Versions of the classes defined in the API implemented by swtpra11.
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.openingbook |
Classes used for implementing "pre-calculating turns".
org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.transpositiontables |
Classes related to the "transposition tables" optimization for searching the game trees.
org.swtpra1.amazongame |
Classes used to model the execution of the game of the amazons according to the api.
org.swtpra1.messages |
Houses different types of messages that the protocol defines and that may be received by the player.
org.swtpra1.random |
Houses an implementation of a player making random moves which is used for testing purposes.
org.swtpra1.relativeterritoryplayer |
Houses all classes used by the now deprecated implementation of the minimax algorithm.