Class HippolytaEvaluator

  • All Implemented Interfaces:

    public class HippolytaEvaluator
    extends java.lang.Object
    implements Evaluator
    Hippolyta - Queen of the Amazons, an evaluation function for the Game of the Amazons

    Partly based on the following works:

    - Julien Kloetzer, Monte-Carlo Techniques: Applications to the Game of the Amazons (

    - Jens Lieberum, An Evaluation Function for the Game of Amazons (

    • Constructor Detail

      • HippolytaEvaluator

        public HippolytaEvaluator()
      • HippolytaEvaluator

        public HippolytaEvaluator​(float kappa)
        kappa - the territory reward for the player that can move first for squares that are considered neutral
    • Method Detail

      • evaluate

        public float evaluate​(Board originalBoard,
                              PlayerColor player)
      • evaluate

        public float evaluate​(Board board,
                              int playerId)
        Description copied from interface: Evaluator
        Evaluate a board from the POV of the player with playerId.
        Specified by:
        evaluate in interface Evaluator
        board - the position to be evaluated
        playerId - the player that moves next
        the evaluation of the given position from the players point of view