Uses of Package
Packages that use org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer Package Description org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer Contains different modifications of search trees all based on negamax with alpha beta Houses an implementation of negamax tree search with alpha beta pruning Classes to help run the Hippolyta evaluation function in our Classes used for implementing "pre-calculating turns".org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.transpositiontables Classes related to the "transposition tables" optimization for searching the game trees. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer Class Description AlphaBetaPlayer Implementation of player that uses negamax search with alpha beta pruning optimization.Evaluator Interface for an object that evaluates turn objects based on a metric. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.alphabeta Class Description Evaluator Interface for an object that evaluates turn objects based on a metric.ValuedTurn Tuple of (turn, value). -
Classes in org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.hippolyta Class Description Evaluator Interface for an object that evaluates turn objects based on a metric. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.openingbook Class Description ValuedTurn Tuple of (turn, value). -
Classes in org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.transpositiontables Class Description Evaluator Interface for an object that evaluates turn objects based on a metric.ValuedTurn Tuple of (turn, value).