Uses of Package
Packages that use org.swtpra1.amazongame Package Description org.swtpra1 Namespace for all java classes for the group "swtpra1" of the "Softwaretechnikpraktikum WS20/21" at the Universität Contains different modifications of search trees all based on negamax with alpha beta Houses an implementation of negamax tree search with alpha beta pruning Classes to help run the Hippolyta evaluation function in our Classes used for implementing "pre-calculating turns".org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.transpositiontables Classes related to the "transposition tables" optimization for searching the game Classes used to model the execution of the game of the amazons according to the Houses different types of messages that the protocol defines and that may be received by the Houses an implementation of a player making random moves which is used for testing Houses all classes used by the now deprecated implementation of the minimax algorithm. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1 Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Game Represents the state of the "Game of the Amazons" board.Player This class represents a single player.Square This class represents one square on the board and will help with serialization and constructing turns later on.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.alphabeta Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.hippolyta Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.openingbook Class Description Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer.transpositiontables Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.amazongame Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Player This class represents a single player.Square This class represents one square on the board and will help with serialization and constructing turns later on.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.messages Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.random Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player. -
Classes in org.swtpra1.amazongame used by org.swtpra1.relativeterritoryplayer Class Description Board Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.Turn This class represents one turn, made by a player.