Uses of Package
Packages that use org.swtpra1 Package Description org.swtpra1 Namespace for all java classes for the group "swtpra1" of the "Softwaretechnikpraktikum WS20/21" at the Universität Contains different modifications of search trees all based on negamax with alpha beta Houses an implementation of a player making random moves which is used for testing Houses all classes used by the now deprecated implementation of the minimax algorithm. -
Classes in org.swtpra1 used by org.swtpra1 Class Description AIPlayer Abstract class for all player implementations.DoubleRoundRobinTournament Represents one instance of a tournament and all its players at any given moment.HTTPSResponse Leaderboard.LeaderboardEntry Represents a single player and his score in the currently running tournament.Observer This class "observes" the games played on a gameserver and makes the data available for being displayed.ObserverWindow The GUI part of the observer.TournamentControl -
Classes in org.swtpra1 used by org.swtpra1.alphabetaplayer Class Description AIPlayer Abstract class for all player implementations. -
Classes in org.swtpra1 used by org.swtpra1.random Class Description AIPlayer Abstract class for all player implementations. -
Classes in org.swtpra1 used by org.swtpra1.relativeterritoryplayer Class Description AIPlayer Abstract class for all player implementations.