All Classes
All Classes Interface Summary Class Summary Enum Summary Class Description AIPlayer Abstract class for all player implementations.AIServer The player-server which creates a minimax/random player and handles messages from server.AIServerMain Main class of player-server.AlphaBetaPlayer Implementation of player that uses negamax search with alpha beta pruning optimization.AlphaBetaSearchTree Implements the Negamax search algorithm with alpha beta pruning optimization based on a given Evaluation function.AlphaBetaSearchTreeWithTranspositionTables Implements the negamax search algorithm with alpha beta pruning and transposition table optimization.AlphaBetaWithTranspositionTablesPlayer Player implementation that uses the AlphaBetaSearchTreeWithTranspositionTablesBoard configuration and state of a game boardBoard Describes the state of the pieces on the board at a given time.BoardAdapter Adapter class to transform our (swtpra01) implementation of the board into an "braingame board" object.BoardSquare potential states for each square of an amazonen game boardCachedBoard DoubleRoundRobinTournament Represents one instance of a tournament and all its players at any given moment.EndMessage The end message informs the player about the end of a game.Evaluator Interface for an object that evaluates turn objects based on a metric.Game configuration and state of an amazonen gameGame Represents the state of the "Game of the Amazons" board.GameserverMain Gameserver manages players and games created by the tournament-control and executes them.GameView Displays the state of the game graphically.HashTableElement One element that is hashed in the ZobristHashTable.HashTableElement.Bound HippolytaEvaluator Hippolyta - Queen of the Amazons, an evaluation function for the Game of the AmazonsHtmlLeaderboardTask Asynchronously parses the results of the tournament into a simple HTML table enviroment and writes it into the specified location.HTTPSClient HTTPSClient Responsible for executing the HTTPS methods.HTTPSResponse Leaderboard Generates a leaderboard of players from a list of active games and sorts it after different criteria.Leaderboard.LeaderboardEntry Represents a single player and his score in the currently running tournament.MinimaxComponent Deprecated. only used for benchmarkingMinimaxLeaf Deprecated. Only used for benchmarkingMinimaxNode Deprecated. Only used for benchmarkingObserver This class "observes" the games played on a gameserver and makes the data available for being displayed.ObserverMain Instantiates the Observer class and starts the GUI part of the application.ObserverWindow The GUI part of the observer.OpeningBook manages an opening book for the game of amazonsOverviewView View that displays all currently running games and the option to inspect them in the game view.Player state of a playerPlayer This class represents a single player.PlayerColor internal representation of the player types of a game.RandomPlayer This class represents a player who makes random turns.RelativeTerritoryEvaluator Implements the "relative territory heuristic" for evaluating board states.RelativeTerritoryPlayer Deprecated. Only used as benchmark baselineSquare This class represents one square on the board and will help with serialization and constructing turns later on.StartMessage This class represents the incoming JSON start message from the game server.TaskScheduler Class to wrap our threaded tasks.TournamentControl TournamentControlMain TournamentView Showcases all players and how each of them performed.TreeNode<T> a simple generic tree structure.Turn a single turn a player makesTurn This class represents one turn, made by a player.Turn.Coordinate coordinate on the game boardTurn.Move one movement of an amazoneTurnMessage This class represents the incoming JSON start message from the game server.ValuedTurn Tuple of (turn, value).ZobristHashTable A variant of a efficient hashing-technique often used for chess and similar games.